Higher Education Q&A for Early Childhood Professionals

Have you been considering going back to school for a degree in early childhood education? Hear from fellow ECE professional Ysidro Holmes discuss his path to higher education and the support available through the Arizona Early Childhood Network. Why did you choose to pursue a degree in early childhood education? I chose to pursue a degree in early childhood education to have autonomy in my profession. I am passionate about my work and I wanted to gain the knowledge that…

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Sponsor Agency Tools

Sponsoring Agency Access Sponsoring Agencies have the ability to input their professional development opportunities into the Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry so that users may view and enroll in training events. Sponsoring Agencies have access to functions, such as Add Course, List Courses, Event Management, and Reports, through the Sponsoring Agency Tools Menu.  Add Course The Registry system is set up similar to a college system where one can enter a course, where the information does not change, and then enter…

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Event Management for Instructors

Create an Event Log into the Registry.Click on Event Management under My Instructor Tools. After clicking on Event Management, a list of all previously entered events will be visible. You may sort by event date, course, or instructor. (We will re-visit functions in this area later in this tutorial, click here to skip ahead.)To add a new event, click on Add Event. Select the Sponsoring Agency for which you are instructing. You must now search for the course that was…

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Requesting Instructor Access in the Registry

If you are a user of the Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry and would like to request Instructor Access, follow the steps outlined in this article.A Registry user can request instructor access through the Registry by clicking the “Request PD Instructor/TA Access” link on the left-hand navigation menu. The user will now see an information page. Continuing down the page allows the instructor to select the level for which they are applying. Please choose at least one level for which…

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Easy Ways to Make Time for Individual Formative Assessment

You are monitoring the progress of your students on a daily basis. You have been taking pictures of your students while they engage in your planned activities. You’re adding those pictures to their portfolios with notes and sharing with parents. This is all important information that shows the child’s milestones.But are those pictures telling you if the child understands the concepts you are teaching in class? You want to adapt your lessons to meet each child’s needs so you need…

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Applying for a First Things First College Scholarship

The First Things First College Scholarship provides early childhood educators who work with or on behalf of young children (ages 0-5) assistance in order to achieve degrees, credentials, and specialized skills to support children’s development. Benefits of the Scholarship include financial support for tuition, books, course and college fees, and application and assessment fees. The Scholarship may only be accessed by members of the Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry. Go to and click on Registry. Login to the Registry…

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How Child Care Center Directors Can Create Positive Work Environments

Be a good listener, engage with your staff to problem solve and encourage open communication between yourself and all of the staff members. Mary Jamsa As an early childhood education director, you need to keep your staff motivated as they deal with really complex issues. Given limited funds, raising your teachers’ salaries or offering benefits that other corporate jobs provide to employees may be difficult. However, your ability to help them become personally invested in your center is critical.Mary Jamsa,…

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Early Childcare Professionals Can Help Provide Quality Care

Did you know that your role as an early childhood professional is key to not only a young child’s well-being but to their healthy growth and development? Simply, you are not just an early childhood professional, but you’re a leader, a champion, and a member of both the local community and the larger community of early childhood care and education. You have an opportunity to make meaningful and lasting impacts in the lives of the children (and families) that you’re…

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Early Childcare Professionals Have an Important Role in a Child’s Growth and Development

From birth through age 8, the foundations for a child’s lifetime are formed. This gives early childhood professionals an opportunity to nurture this important growth and development. Knowing how children grow and develop helps early childhood professionals write curriculum activities and set up learning environments, observe and assess children over time and support children with different learning styles. When it comes to an early childhood professionals’ role – it’s important that there is an understanding of each individual child’s range…

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7 Quick Steps on How-To Update Your Work History in the Registry

The Arizona Early Childhood Professional Development Network (Network) is a one-stop location that serves as a resource to build Arizona’s early education workforce. It also connects early childhood practitioners and partners, so it’s a great place to keep your work history for potential jobs and networking. Three Ways the Registry Helps Your Career You can manage and update your information in the Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry (Registry) to help advance your career. There are also more benefits: Training: Find…

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The average wait time for processing your college transcripts is 30 Days. For questions regarding your Registry account, please contact