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Arizona Career Lattice

Tool within the Registry that early childhood professionals can use for individualized assessment, setting professional development goals, and documentation of career progress.


Scholarships & Incentives

Opportunities for scholarships in the state of Arizona granted for pursuing Early Childhood Education.

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Jobs in Early Childhood Education

Information on types of professions for working with young children and their families, and employment opportunities in early childhood education.


Professional Development

Find professional development opportunities in Arizona and online to help grow your career.

Training & Support

Fingerprinting, Licensure & Regulation, Health Requirements, and how to professionalize your business.

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Conferences & Events

Browse the upcoming events list for conferences, annual training opportunities, networking, and more!

The average wait time for processing your college transcripts is 30 Days. For questions regarding your Registry account, please contact info@thearizonaregistry.org.