Date: May 8, 2019

The Early Childhood Education Unit of the Arizona Department for Education would like to invite you to the Early Childhood: A Hero’s Journey summer conference.

The work of caring for and teaching our youngest citizens is rewarding, but difficult.  Everyday teachers, assistant teachers, administrators, support staff, and early childhood professionals of many specialties put on their capes and give their best efforts to give students high-quality early learning experiences.  The Hero’s Journey conference will focus on providing information, strategies and techniques to support practitioners as they conduct their work.  It will be appropriate for anyone who works with young children in various sectors – education, health, intervention, etc.

Desert Willow Conference Center
May 8-10, 2019

The conference will be open to all early childhood education practitioners, administrators and community partners.  The overarching topics will include:

  • Family Engagement
  • Language & Literacy
  • Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
  • Current Initiatives
  • Comprehensive Assessment