Please help get the word out about the importance of catching up on routine childhood vaccinations, using new resources available for immunization partners and healthcare providers.
As children begin to have play dates and return to school, camp and day care, routine childhood vaccinations are critical to keeping them healthy. Many children fell behind on receiving routine vaccinations during COVID-19; CDC’s public sector vaccine ordering data show a 14% drop in 2020-2021 compared with 2019 – with orders for measles vaccine down by more than 20%. With your help, we can ensure that children get caught up!
Visit the CDC’s updated partner resource center to find the latest materials, including:
- Infographic in color and black and white
- Social media resources for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, including:
- Carousels
- Animated GIFs
- Return to School content
- Template newsletter language that can be tailored for communications to parents
- A web feature that can be linked to, or repurposed for blog or website content
Thank you for your support of this important message. Together, we can all do our part to ensure that children are caught up on routine vaccinations!