Power to the Profession
Power to the Profession is a national collaboration to define the early childhood profession by establishing a unifying framework for career pathways, knowledge and competencies, qualifications, standards and compensation.
Power to the Profession is a national collaboration to define the early childhood profession by establishing a unifying framework for career pathways, knowledge and competencies, qualifications, standards and compensation.
The site has just published the last in a 9 part series focused on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in the early years. The articles range from posts on Sensory and Physical needs, to ones exploring Dyslexia and Autism. As well as looking at how Special Educational Needs are managed within an educational environment, the series also looks to highlight the history of such impairments and how attitudes and approaches have developed over time.First Discoverers is a useful resource for anyone…
This checklist is a tool for keeping track of the progress of young children learning English as a second language over time.
Step into an American preschool classroom today and you are likely to be bombarded with what we educators call a print-rich environment, every surface festooned with alphabet charts, bar graphs, word walls, instructional posters, classroom rules, calendars, schedules, and motivational platitudes - few of which a 4-year-old can "decode," the contemporary word for what used to be known as reading.
Many times as educators and as parents, when we realize our children are having difficulty in school and a learning disability is diagnosed, we become inundated with information such as screening results and the identification of a learning disability - the discrepancy between ability and achievement.
Spring is officially here! Now that the weather's cooler, there's no better time to take your lesson plans outside and give your students some fresh air.
What phrases do you use to help build children's self-esteem? It's important that you be specific in your praise by focusing on a specific act.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2001), there are over 21 million children under the age of six in center-based child care programs in the United States.
Spring has officially arrived, which means there will soon be lots of insects buzzing and flying around. Most of these insects (except for butterflies) are seen as annoying pests or are feared by children and adults alike.
As your students learn new things and become familiar with the world around them, you may notice they have a drive to become more independent.
The average wait time for processing your college transcripts is 30 Days. For questions regarding your Registry account, please contact info@thearizonaregistry.org.