Teaching Tips for Inspiring Reading: Go Outside
What's the best way to get younger students excited about reading? This teacher discusses why taking her PreK class outside makes learning to read fun. Watch here
What's the best way to get younger students excited about reading? This teacher discusses why taking her PreK class outside makes learning to read fun. Watch here
As an early childhood teacher are you surprised by the amount of time you spend in caring tasks? Do you ever feel that the dishes you have to wash, the diapers you change, or the noses to wipe are getting in the way of teaching? What if we adopted a new way of thinking about care and incorporated it into our pedagogy. We know that for a young child each moment is a learning opportunity. So each moment of caring…
Rarely, if ever, has a generation of children been raised in such an atmosphere of uncertainty. Constant change and myriad messages-from the media, parents, teachers, and peers - can make it difficult for children to find stable, consistent moral and ethical standards that can guide their development. Read More: Scholastic
Exploring science is an exciting and wondrous part of early childhood. Innately curious, young children seek to investigate and discover “how their world works.” They question; they look; they listen; they talk about their findings. They investigate the passage of light through various materials; how insects crawl on the ground; and what sinks, what floats, and why!Read more: Early Childhood News
Whether you’re a seasoned preschool teacher or this will be your first year teaching, the start of a new school year is an exciting time! Before the big day arrives, here are a few tips for the first day of the school year: 1. Establish a Routine Your Students Will Become Familiar WithRoutines can help give preschoolers a sense of security. While you may be anxious for the first day, your students may also be feeling a mix of emotions…
Early childhood classrooms serve as the physical environment for adults and young children for most of their waking hours. Although it is important for classrooms to be attractive to the eye, it is equally, if not more important, that they function effectively.Read more: Early Childhood News
It’s never too early to help children take baby steps toward independence! Infants Place babies on a warm floor surface and place favorite toys just a bit out of reach. Babies will strive to reach for interesting toys. They will be proud of their victory as they stretch and wiggle to get the toys they love to chew on or bang with.Read more: Scholastic
The Outdoor Classroom's vision is simple: children benefit from spending more time outdoors, especially in natural places. Its goal is equally simple: to increase the quantity, quality, and benefits of outdoor experiences for children. Here is an overview of the key features of the Outdoor Classroom. Read more: Community Play Things
Summer’s over, and your classroom will soon be filled with children who are eager to learn, but a little unsure of the new classroom environment and their place in it. Ease the transition and set the tone for a school year full of fun and learning with the following activities.Read More: Early Childhood News
I have a 4-year-old child in my class who is very good at expressing herself, but she doesn't seem to understand a lot of what others say to her. That limits her ability to follow directions and to interact with other children. What can I do to help her? I have seen a number of children just like the child you describe. They can talk up a storm, but they have trouble responding to what other people are communicating. This…
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