How to Coach Parents to Become Reading Partners at Home

You can build parents’ confidence in being their child’s reading partner at home by teaching them how to read aloud expressively and ask their child open-ended and child-friendly questions. It’s best to never assume that families already know how to help children read at home. The graphic below provides you with some examples you can give parents of how they can help their child learn to read. Read More: Kaplan Early Learning 

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Children’s Books about Families

A thematic unit on families is a great way to begin the year with a new class of preschoolers. A family unit supports children in countless ways, including easing their transitions, helping them learn about the other boys and girls in the class, and strengthening their self-awareness. Teachers can draw on these books to explore the rich diversity of families with preschoolers.Read more: NAEYC

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Art, Literacy, & Learning: Classroom Tips for Teachers

Skill Based, Phonemic* Approach to Literacy How to Use Art to Enhance a Skills Based, Phonemics Approach to Literacy Verbalize frequently as you demonstrate materials. Engage children in art process by using a rich vocabulary as you describe it. Talk about directionality, or left to right, as you demonstrate materials. Talk about position, or top to bottom, as you demonstrate materials. Demonstrate specific skills in using art materials and art tools – teach technique. Show steps and progression in use…

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Oral Language: The Foundation of Literacy

In the history of human development, oral language—conversation, poetry, story-telling, and song—arose long before written language. In children we see the same pattern of language development. Children first learn to listen, to speak, to sing, to enjoy rhymes, stories, and books before they can read or write. What we often forget is that this foundation in oral language is a critical step in developing literacy.Read more: Community Play Things

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How You Can Use Chalk to Encourage Summer Learning

Chalk is a simple and versatile tool you can use to teach children a variety of concepts in math, science, literacy, and other subjects. From having children write their names in chalk on the sidewalk to playing a game of hopscotch math, the learning possibilities are endless! Chalk activities are perfect for the classroom or for families to do together at home during the summer months.Read more: Kaplan Early Learning

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Helping Preschoolers Build Fine Motor Skills

Many daily activities in the classroom require fine motor skills such as eating, writing and playing with toys. As your students develop these skills, they’ll gain a sense of independence and realize they can take on many new tasks on their own. As a preschool teacher, here’s how you can support the development of your students’ fine motor skills:  Encourage Finger Painting Activities like finger painting allow children to experiment with hand and finger movements and learn about the feel…

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Concept of Word Games

Concept of word refers to the ability of a reader to match spoken words to written words while reading. Students with a concept of word understand that each word is separate, and that words are separated by a space within each sentence. Using strategies to build concept of word in the classroom can also strengthen a child's developing awareness of the individual sounds within words.Read More: Reading Rockets 

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