Encouraging Friendships in Preschool
Learning how to build relationships with others begins at an early age when infants establish bonds with their parents and caregivers.
Learning how to build relationships with others begins at an early age when infants establish bonds with their parents and caregivers.
Reading the same book each day for a week provides children the chance to become truly familiar with a story because of the multiple readings and extended learning opportunities.
Children must understand how speech sounds work to be ready for instruction in reading and writing.
To support children as they develop their fine-motor skills and apply these emerging abilities to various materials and tools, adults can use the following teaching strategies.
Instilling grateful feelings can benefit children later in life and help them develop empathy towards others.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA; Bloodborne Pathogens, 1992) has published guidelines for preventing the spread of bloodborne pathogens, such as AIDS and hepatitis.
Teachers and administrators face many challenges when they support young children's experiences with the natural world.
As you observe your preschoolers and kindergartners play during free choice time, it very quickly becomes apparent that some children always gravitate towards the block corner first thing in the morning, while others seem to head directly for the art table.
An effective teacher or family child care provider chooses a strategy to fit a particular situation.
Learning to respect and celebrate all of the unique differences we have between each other is an important part of children's development.
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