10 Tips for Beginning Child Care Providers

1. Learn from others. Listen to more experienced mentors. Observe how they handle disruptive situations. Watch how they diffuse a tense situation. 2. Expect great things to happen. Be excited about your work each day. A child’s first teacher is often the one he or she remembers the most. You could be that person in the life of the children you teach.Read More: Early Childhood News  

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Inspiring Preschoolers to Write

Rich early writing experiences can help lay the foundation for preschooler’s later reading success.  To help your students develop their writing skills, it’s important to make writing materials readily available around the classroom and provide writing opportunities for your students throughout the day.  Regardless of if your students are still scribbling or beginning to form words and letters, here are three ways you can inspire them to write:  Display Words and Writing Charts Around the Classroom Word walls are a…

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Early Literacy Instruction: Research Applications in the Classroom

According to the National Institute for Literacy (2001), phonemic awareness is the ability to think about and work with individual sounds in spoken languages. Before children learn to read, they need to be aware of how sounds work. Teachers should integrate phonemic awareness instruction in the curriculum to help children learn to read and spell. The instruction can start with having children categorize the first phonemes — the smallest functional unit of speech — in words and then progress to…

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How to Coach Parents to Become Reading Partners at Home

You can build parents’ confidence in being their child’s reading partner at home by teaching them how to read aloud expressively and ask their child open-ended and child-friendly questions. It’s best to never assume that families already know how to help children read at home. The graphic below provides you with some examples you can give parents of how they can help their child learn to read. Read More: Kaplan Early Learning 

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Children’s Books about Families

A thematic unit on families is a great way to begin the year with a new class of preschoolers. A family unit supports children in countless ways, including easing their transitions, helping them learn about the other boys and girls in the class, and strengthening their self-awareness. Teachers can draw on these books to explore the rich diversity of families with preschoolers.Read more: NAEYC

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Art, Literacy, & Learning: Classroom Tips for Teachers

Skill Based, Phonemic* Approach to Literacy How to Use Art to Enhance a Skills Based, Phonemics Approach to Literacy Verbalize frequently as you demonstrate materials. Engage children in art process by using a rich vocabulary as you describe it. Talk about directionality, or left to right, as you demonstrate materials. Talk about position, or top to bottom, as you demonstrate materials. Demonstrate specific skills in using art materials and art tools – teach technique. Show steps and progression in use…

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