Quality First Redesign: Submission of Transcripts to the Arizona Registry
QFR site administrators will copy, compile and submit all unofficial transcripts and CDA credentials to the Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry. After compiling all needed documents, please print off and include as a cover sheet your Registry’s Staff Qualifications Detail Report. This entire packet can be mailed to:
Arizona PBS – Arizona Early Childhood
Workforce Registry
555 N. Central Ave. Suite 500
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Note: Documents will not be returned. Please send copies.
- Compile copies of all unofficial transcripts and CDA credential certificates
- Log into the Arizona Registry at www.azregistry.org.
- Click on the Program Administration link on the left-hand navigation area.

4. Click on Staff Qualifications Detail Report.

5. Print the Staff Qualifications Detail Report and submit with your packet of documents.
Note: If a staff member’s name listed on the transcript or credential does not match the name on the Staff Qualifications Detail Report:
Please write the nine-digit Registry ID on the transcript or credential.
Compile and send all documents in one package to:
Arizona PBS – Arizona Early Childhood
Workforce Registry
555 N. Central Ave. Suite 500
Phoenix, AZ 85004