Lily Mills
Tempe, AZ
Lily is a junior at McClintock High School and is currently taking dual-enrollment courses in Early Childhood Education through the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. Lily is able to participate as a dual-enrollment student with assistance from the First Things First College Scholarship, while gaining teaching experiencing at the McClintock High School Child Development Preschool.
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I have good teachers, such as Ms. Janice Smith, who has been great in helping me. It helps when my teachers check in with me to see if I am on track, like a coach or mentor. My parents are also very supportive. I have a sister-in-law who is a teacher, who also encourages me. In addition, I love kids and have eight nieces and nephews. I would encourage anyone who is thinking about enrollment in college or considering dual enrollment classes to try it. You can only learn from your experience.