Turning Snack Time into Learning Time

As a preschool teacher, it’s important to engage with your students throughout the day and extend their learning beyond your lesson plan. Snack time is a great time to do just that! From teaching children about manners to practicing fine and gross motor skills, there are many learning opportunities for you and your students. Here are three ways you can turn snack time into learning time:  1. Help Children Learn to Be More IndependentWith your guidance, you can show your preschoolers…

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What Is Dramatic Play and How Does It Support Literacy Development in Preschool?

Play is many things to many people. For most of us, it is a self-selected, self-directed activity that children carry out for pleasure. In fact, many leaders in our field, such as David Elkind, Vivian Paley, and Lilian Katz have referred to play as “children’s work” because it provides rich opportunities to learn concepts such as cause and effect (“If you hit a tower of blocks, it will fall down.”) and time relationships (“I will play dress-up with you after…

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Helping Children Get to Know Each Other

Try these songs, games, and strategies to help children get to know each other as a new school year begins. Learn one another’s names Sing songs that incorporate children’s names as a fun way for everyone to get to know one another. Try the chant “Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?” or other songs that use children’s names. Children will join in, have a blast with the silly rhymes, and learn one another’s names all at the same…

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Guiding Young Children: 21 Strategies

Think about the overall goals you have for the children in your care. What qualities or characteristics would you like to see in these children next year? What about 10 years from now? We can support children’s growth and their character development of positive characteristics by providing a strong foundation through guidance. This article will focus on how guidance (positive discipline) supports children and facilitates long-term success, while punishment (negative discipline) is hurtful and can have long-lasting effects. Twenty-one strategies…

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10 Tips for Beginning Child Care Providers

1. Learn from others. Listen to more experienced mentors. Observe how they handle disruptive situations. Watch how they diffuse a tense situation. 2. Expect great things to happen. Be excited about your work each day. A child’s first teacher is often the one he or she remembers the most. You could be that person in the life of the children you teach.Read More: Early Childhood News  

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Inspiring Preschoolers to Write

Rich early writing experiences can help lay the foundation for preschooler’s later reading success.  To help your students develop their writing skills, it’s important to make writing materials readily available around the classroom and provide writing opportunities for your students throughout the day.  Regardless of if your students are still scribbling or beginning to form words and letters, here are three ways you can inspire them to write:  Display Words and Writing Charts Around the Classroom Word walls are a…

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Early Literacy Instruction: Research Applications in the Classroom

According to the National Institute for Literacy (2001), phonemic awareness is the ability to think about and work with individual sounds in spoken languages. Before children learn to read, they need to be aware of how sounds work. Teachers should integrate phonemic awareness instruction in the curriculum to help children learn to read and spell. The instruction can start with having children categorize the first phonemes — the smallest functional unit of speech — in words and then progress to…

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