Safety Practices for Child Care Programs in the Face of COVID-19

ChildCare Education Institute is offering HLTH111, a one-hour beginner-level course that grants 0.1 IACET CEU upon successful completion, which provides basic information about preventing the spread of COVID-19 in child care settings based on the latest standards and recommendations from major national health organizations. Participants will learn: Recommended hygiene practices Recognizing signs and symptoms Criteria for excluding a child from group care Communicating with children and families Maintaining a clean environment CLICK HERE to register!

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Stories of Strength & Resilience | Celena Ambrose

Celena AmbroseHolbrook, AZCelena is a teacher at Nacog Head Start in Holbrook, AZ. Celena is currently a First Things First College Scholar recipient and graduated in May with her Associate degree in Early Childhood Education from Northland Pioneer College. Read a message from Celena:Within my family I was pushed to continue my education after high school. Through their words of encouragement, I was able to push through and achieve my first degree. When thinking about supports that helped me accomplish my…

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Arizona Early Childhood Professional Development ECHO

Arizona State University is excited to announce the launching of the first Arizona Early Childhood Professional Development ECHO (Extending Community Health Outcomes). Business Practices for Early Care and Education: Working through COVID and Beyond July 8 – August 19, 2020 REGISTER HERE In response to the unprecedented times we are in, the first AZ Early Childhood PD ECHO is being offered on Wednesday evenings starting July 8th through August 19th on Business Practices for Early Care and Education. The sessions are from…

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Stories of Strength & Resilience | Elaina Sotelo

Elaina Sotelo Safford, AZ Elaina is a lead teacher at Easter Seals Blake Foundation - Palomita Children's Center, a five star center located in Safford, AZ. As a First Things First College Scholar recipient, Elaina was able to attend Eastern Arizona College and pursue her degree in Early Childhood Education and graduated in May with her Associate degree. Read a message from Elaina: I would like to share my journey with you. I grew up in a small town in…

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Stories of Strength & Resilience | Hope Siow

Hope SiowWhiteriver, AZHope is a White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT) scholar who recently completed her AAEC from Northland Pioneer College. She's a lead teacher at WMAT Head Start. Read a message from Hope:My children, Tyren & Greyson are my first inspirations. As the world is ever changing, children on the reservation need educators who gain new knowledge to bring into the classroom to help them flourish and become the best individual they can be in all aspects of their life. I had a generous…

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NAEYC Virtual Institute

NAEYC Virtual Institute provides six weeks of newly recorded presentations to support your professional development, and is open to anyone who is interested in some of the latest research and best practices in early childhood education. Starting June 1, 2020, NAEYC will offer over 100 presentations of content shared by NAEYC experts and a diverse group of presenters from all sectors of the industry. The presenters include policy experts, higher education faculty, school leaders, researchers, and educators. While typically this…

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Center for Disease Control Guidelines for Child Care

CypherWorx, an Alliance recognized training organization, has made the following trainings on CDC guidelines for re-opening Child Care Providers & Schools available to the public for FREE. Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for Re-Opening Schools and Day Camps: Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for Re-Opening Child Care Providers: Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for Child Care Providers that Remain Open: Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for Employers and Small Businesses:

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Thank You To Our Child Care Community

The importance of child care providers to our communities became even more clear as the coronavirus outbreak hit Arizona. We recognize that early childhood educators provide necessary support to families and, for that, want to thank our state's entire child care workforce.To show your gratitude, post a photo of you and your child on social media sharing a message of thanks and be sure to include #ShareTheCareAZ.To read more about the importance of early childhood education, visit First Things First.

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Registry Account Settings: Permission to Text

The following tutorial will guide you when setting permissions to receive text messages. Log into the Registry at Under My Tools & Settings, click on My Profile. In the Personal Information section, click on Edit. Scroll down to where phone numbers are listed, and above your mobile phone entry, click Yes or No. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Update Account Info.

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Building Resilience in Young Children

CCEI, an online child care training provider, is offering a FREE course in April titled "Building Resilience in Young Children." To find the course: Log into the Registry at Click on Find Training Event Search by Course Title and type Building Resilience Click Search Choose course and click View Event Click on Enroll Now Registry Users will take the online course at

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The average wait time for processing your college transcripts is 30 Days. For questions regarding your Registry account, please contact