Professional Development | Instructors & Technical Assistants

If you’re a professional who trains early childhood teachers, the Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry will help you to reach a broader audience and manage your trainings more efficiently.

When you create and complete a Registry profile, you will be able to input information for your training sessions, as well as provide your credential information to Centers and Schools searching for on-site employee training.

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I simply shared with my teachers that by creating a Registry profile, they are validating their profession and legitimizing the work that they do and the early childhood profession. It was easy to fill out.

Early Childhood Instructor & Technical Assistant Articles

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Requirements & Benchmarks

Find updated information from Arizona’s Department of Education regarding developmental requirements and benchmarks to ensure that you are passing on this information in your trainings.


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Achieving Quality Care

Ensure that your training will be aligned with the Workforce Knowledge and Competencies, helping your students to achieve higher levels of early education professionalism.


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As soon as your profile is completed, your training session schedule will be shared with the entire Registry, from New and Prospective Teachers to Center Directors. They will be able to register for your course quickly and easily through the platform, making it a valuable marketing tool.


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Manage Training Rosters

As early childhood professionals sign up for your training sessions, you can manage the roster and communicate with them directly to give them reading materials and prep them for your training.


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The average wait time for processing your college transcripts is 30 Days. For questions regarding your Registry account, please contact