What is Early Childhood Education? 7 Things to Know About the Field Forming Future Generations
Keep reading to learn more about the field, its importance and the role of its dedicated professionals.
Keep reading to learn more about the field, its importance and the role of its dedicated professionals.
Social-emotional development in children is crucial. It includes the child's ability to understand the feelings of others, manage his emotions, and build relationships with both children and adults.
Documenting the work children do is an important way of communicating and involving families.
Since young gifted children are often more advanced that their peers in a variety of ways, there is a legitimate concern that special adjustments needed to challenge young gifted children may not be readily available in the preschool or child care setting.
Throughout a child's life, sensory play is crucial to their development. Their senses are their most familiar and most basic way to explore and process new information.
Growth mindset refers to people who think of intelligence as something that can improve and grow with effort and hard work. The term was coined by psychologist Carol Dweck in her best-selling book, Mindset, The New Psychology of Success.
Parents are interested in information-knowing what to expect, knowing what their children are doing, knowing about the person who spends time with their children all day.
Teachers have been using stories to convey moral lessons to children since ancient times. But previous research has shown that a story's moral, while obvious to adults, is often missed by early learners who are more likely to focus on a story's surface details.
While not all experts agree on a common definition of what spatial skills are (Hansel 2017, 20), most agree that the use of manipulatives helps children make sense of abstract concepts.
When it comes to encouraging good behavior, positive reinforcement is essential. And while there are many different ways you can reward your youngsters, we found some fun and unique strategies that will keep your kids on the positivity track.
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