Teaching Honesty

As young children are developing and learning more about the world around them, it is completely normal for them to tell untruths. During a time where their reality is blurred with fantasy, you may notice some of the things they say are not always honest.  Here are some ideas for what you can do as a preschool teacher to teach children about honesty.  1. Model Truth Just as you may sense when your students are lying, they can also sense…

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A Lasting Gift

What gift will you give to the children in your care this year? “We all want what is best for each child,” writes Dr. Ruth Wilson. “We want to give them what will make them grow and thrive. We generously give of our time and our attention. We wipe their tears and listen to their stories. These are all beautiful gifts that can’t be wrapped with paper and ribbon.”Read More Here

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Making the Holidays More Meaningful: How You can Teach Values this December

I’m a director at a Jewish preschool housed inside a synagogue, so I spend a lot of time considering how to teach young children the deeper meaning of holidays.   In my experience, starting with values is an easy way for adults to remind themselves what holidays are all about, and shape children’s identities as compassionate people of character.Read More Here

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How You Can Help Build Pre-Writing Skills in Your Preschoolers

While your preschool students may not be ready to write full sentences, it’s never too early to teach them important pre-writing skills. Hand-eye coordination is one of those skills and plays an important role in writing. Through repetition and practice of specific movements, you can prepare your student to be excellent writers. Here are some more tips to build your student’s pre-writing skills.  Encourage Drawing and Scribbling: Writing development starts with scribbling and drawing. Allow children to feel free to…

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The Child’s Love of Mystery

One day, years ago, when I was the director of a preschool, I walked in from the playground with a group of three-year-old children. As we entered the room, a child exclaimed, “Look, there’s a leaf on the floor!” As we bent down to inspect it, I said, “I wonder how that leaf got indoors.” The children scrunched up their faces, thought hard and then provided a variety of responses. Here are a few.Read More Here 

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Animals and Children: Valuable Connections

I have observed, as have many others, that something special seems to happen to children in the presence of animals. They are calmer, more curious, and more joyful. Can children’s natural love for—and curiosity about—animals be dovetailed into meaningful encounters with animals in the classroom? Are encounters with animals really that important? Do they have any real impact on children’s development? Can early childhood educators provide children with meaningful connections with animals, even if they can’t have animals in the…

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