The Highest Paying Early Childhood Education Jobs

Due to the definite rise in the numbers of children now attending preschool and nursery programs in the U.S., there are currently more high paying early childhood education jobs available. With input from the media, government officials, colleges and university education departments and early childhood educational organizations, awareness of the necessity of educating children beginning during infancy and toddler years is growing rapidly.

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25 Pinterest Accounts Every Pre-School Teacher Should Be Following

Have you been hiding in a cabin off the grid with no access to social media for the last year? No? Then you already know about Pinterest, the phenomenal new social bookmarking web site. By capturing and pinning web images to a virtual scrapbook, Pinterest users bookmark and share favorite websites and information. If you’re looking for information on a favorite topic, Pinterest is an enjoyable new way of finding and collecting it online. Pinterest has become a useful resource…

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