The Arizona Early Childhood Network has partnered with the National Center on Early Childhood, Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL) to offer FREE trainings to our Arizona workforce in the Registry!
NCECDTL is managed by ZERO TO THREE on behalf of the Office of Head Start. As the prime partner, ZERO TO THREE is responsible for setting the overall direction for the center and providing leadership.
Featured Training:
Math is Everywhere: Supporting Math Skills in Infants and Toddlers

Early math skills are essential to children’s school readiness and later learning. Hear from Beth Zack, Ph.D., Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington, about why it’s important to foster math skills beginning in infancy. Learn about the math skills and concepts children begin to understand as infants and toddlers and how they support school readiness across the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) domains. Discover activities and strategies for scaffolding and supporting children as they build math skills during everyday KEY WORDS: Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development, Cognition, Language and Literacy, Social and Emotional Development, Approaches to Learning, Home-based, Review four key effective practices that support early math learning.