How to Inspire Your Kids to Write and Why You Should

Fitting it all in can be very tough. Reading and math seem to get all the attention while, unfortunately, many other subjects get put on the back burner. One of the things I love most about writing is that you can incorporate it into any subject at all! Additionally, writing across the curriculum is a great way to increase higher level thinking skills. Finally, according to Teaching That Makes Sense, there are five reasons that we ask students to write in…

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A Day in the Life of a Preschool Teacher

When you work as a preschool teacher (as with any other job), the first half hour or so after arriving at work is mostly spent waiting for the coffee to kick in. You are still adjusting to being awake and out in the world. Your social skills aren’t really accessible yet. However, unlike someone in a non person-facing job, who might be able to ease into their day by answering emails and spending a few minutes scanning the day’s headlines,…

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Landscape for Learning: The Impact of Classroom Design on Infants and Toddlers

Jan, a teacher in a toddler classroom, takes out two baskets of blocks and brings them to the middle of the room. The children love to build, and within seconds there are eight toddlers surrounding Jan and the blocks-all shoulder to shoulder. After only a minute or so, one child grabs another's blocks. While the teacher encourages this pair to "be gentle," a similar battle breaks out between two other children. Adding to the ensuing chaos, a toddler who has…

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How to Help Bright Out Your Students Creativity

Early childhood experts believe that when a child creates a piece of art, he is boosting his ability to analyze and problem-solve. But that’s not all! Creating art has countless benefits for young children including helping them develop mentally, socially, and emotionally. As a preschool teacher, here’s how you can help bring out your student’s creativity: 1. Incorporate Creativity into All Areas of the CurriculumSparking creativity is as easy as allowing children to draw with crayons or using different voices…

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Using Everyday Classroom Experiences to Advocate for Young Children

The early care and education workforce is large, with more than 2 million center- and home-based teachers and caregivers directly working with children birth through 5 years old. Engaged early childhood professionals comprise large coalition that has the ability to mobilize in order to create positive change for the well-being of infants, toddlers, and their families.Read More: ZERO TO THREE

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Be More Specific Than You’re Terrific

Children do wonderful and delightful things. They perform acts of bravery, kindness, honesty, and respectfulness. Yet these actions are often rewarded with generic "at-a-boys," "You’re great," "Wow, you did it!" or "You’re terrific." Acts of goodness deserve more than a casual pat on the back and should receive more attention than negative behaviors.Read More: Early Childhood News 

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Integrating Music, Drama, and Dance Helps Children Explore and Learn

It’s a simple question, but when a teacher, taking the role of a zookeeper, poses it to a group of children, learning happens. The scenario opens the door to creativity and free play. It introduces the concepts of animal needs and animal habitats. It sparks exploration of STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics), setting young children up for a lifetime as learners, problem solvers, and artists. Read More: NAEYC 

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Degrees in Context: Asking the Right Questions about Preparing Skilled and Effective Teachers of Young Children

Preschool teachers play a critical role in children’s development yet there is little agreement about how to codify teacher knowledge and skill. This brief argues that too much attention has been given to debating the baseline of qualifications required of preschool teachers (e.g., AA vs. BA), failing to take into account the precise nature of the education that teachers have received en route to their degrees, support for ongoing learning, and the effects of the workplace environment on their teaching…

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