Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College | Job Postings

Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College (MLFTC) is pleased to share new positions posted to support education among Arizona’s tribal communities. The positions will work on the Preparing Educators for Arizona’s Indigenous Communities (PEAIC) project, which will prepare indigenous educators across Arizona by providing them with access to high-quality teacher preparation programs and funding to cover educational costs. Please share with your networks to help reach a broader audience!Positions:Hiring a full-time program manager with experience teaching and leading in PK-12 environments,…

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Multitiered System of Support Framework in Early Childhood

A Position Statement from the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) DEC is excited to announce that the Multitiered System of Support Framework in Early Childhood position statement is now available! This position statement replaces the 2013 Frameworks for Response to Intervention in Early Childhood: Description and Implications. The purpose of the revised statement is to define an early childhood multitiered system of support (MTSS) framework and to promote a broader understanding and discussion of the implications for young children, their families,…

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Cox Campus now available on the Arizona Workforce Registry!

Cox Campus is free, online learning through the Rollins Center for Language and Literacy. Every child has the right to read. Every adult can help. Learn how through self-paced, online courses. The courses, available for Infant/Toddler and Preschool/PreK, teach science-backed strategies that support a child’s language and literacy development through talking, reading, singing, and playing together. Then, explore the site for additional resources, lessons, and tools. Learn More!

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2021 AzAEYC Early Childhood Scholarship “Honor the Past and Reimagine the Future”

The 2021 AzAEYC Early Childhood Scholarship "Honor the Past and Reimagine the Future" was renamed this year to acknowledge and honor the outstanding service of early childhood professionals, past, present, and future. As a member benefit, AzAEYC members get an extra week to complete their application before it opens to other early childhood educators on Saturday, September 18, 2021. About the 2021 AzAEYC Early Childhood Scholarship The goal of this Scholarship is to recognize the leadership qualities of early childhood educators and their commitment to…

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AZ DEC Division for Early Childhood Mini-Grants Available

AZ DEC Division for Early Childhood Mini-Grants of up to $600 each are available What is the Mini-Grant Program?   AZ DEC is pleased to announce the availability of mini-grants for advancing the care, education, and well-being of Arizona's young children (birth-8) who are at-risk for developmental delays, and those with exceptionalities. AZ DEC members and other early childhood educators and providers in Arizona may request up to $600 for innovative projects designed to enhance the optimal development of these…

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Raising Our Future: America’s Child Care Dilemma

The Pritzker Family Foundation and PBS NewsHour are partnering on a week-long series entitled Raising Our Future: America’s Child Care Dilemma. The series is scheduled to run in five nightly segments during the week of July 12. The series aims to educate the public about the state of child care in the US as it weaves the needs of infants and toddlers throughout. The Pritzker Children's Initiative has released a new social media toolkit to drive awareness and viewership for the series. We ask that you use this toolkit to…

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Arizona Comprehensive System of Personnel Development Survey

The Arizona Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) In-service workgroup is working to gather information about how and where the Early Childhood workforce is receiving professional development, as well as the preferred methods for receiving professional development. Your input will provide valuable insight into the current state of, as well as potential gaps within, the existing system. The survey will not take more than two minutes. Please click here to complete the survey!

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CDC Resources to Get Children Caught up on Routine Vaccinations

Please help get the word out about the importance of catching up on routine childhood vaccinations, using new resources available for immunization partners and healthcare providers.As children begin to have play dates and return to school, camp and day care, routine childhood vaccinations are critical to keeping them healthy. Many children fell behind on receiving routine vaccinations during COVID-19; CDC’s public sector vaccine ordering data show a 14% drop in 2020-2021 compared with 2019 – with orders for measles vaccine down by more…

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FREE Trainings | National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning

The Arizona Early Childhood Network has partnered with the National Center on Early Childhood, Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL) to offer FREE trainings to our Arizona workforce in the Registry! NCECDTL is managed by ZERO TO THREE on behalf of the Office of Head Start. As the prime partner, ZERO TO THREE is responsible for setting the overall direction for the center and providing leadership. Course Description Addressing Infant and Toddler Behaviors that Challenge Adults All infant and toddler behaviors…

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How To Request Unofficial Transcripts

Find and click on your college or university in the directory below for instructions on how to request your unofficial transcripts. Don't see your college or university listed? Contact your school for help getting your unofficial transcripts. ACCEPTED Unofficial TranscriptProvided by a college or university website/student portalWill likely be designated by an “Unofficial” watermark or textMust have student’s name; college or university information; course codes and course titles; and gradesUpload the Unofficial Transcript to your File Manager in the Registry…

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The average wait time for processing your college transcripts is 30 Days. For questions regarding your Registry account, please contact