The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) Empower Plus+ 2.0 is excited to offer you Go NAPSACC*, an online tool that is helping child care programs support children’s healthy eating and physical activity. Participating providers receive free, unlimited access to Go NAPSACC’s online tools, educational materials, and training as well as requesting support from a local Go NAPSACC Consultant.  Please see the informational flyer for details. *Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care This is a great opportunity to show families you’re going the…

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New year brings new opportunities for supporting Arizona’s young children

Marilee Dal Pra, CEO of First Things First, shares her hopes for continuing to advance FTF's mission to help all of Arizona's young children learn, grow and succeed. Challenging times are also times of opportunity. Let us all push for meaningful and long-lasting change for early childhood. Read Article

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Child Care Director Interviews | Yavapai Region | Anelizabeth Marlowe

Anelizabeth MarloweGrannie's House Interview Transcript:00:00 LYNDA: Hi, it is August 20, 2020, and I’m here with Anelizabeth Marlowe with Grannie’s House. Thank you so much for joining me today.00:12 ANELIZABETH: You’re so welcome. It’s my pleasure to be able to be here, Lynda.00:15 LYNDA: Okay, socould you start out by just telling us a little bit about your center?00:20 ANELIZABETH: Certainly. I opened Grannie’s House in 1995. I am a DHS Certified Small Group Home. I serve 10 children, basically.…

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PNC Foundation grant to help child care centers address COVID-19 health and safety concerns

The PNC Foundation recently awarded FTF a grant to create the AZ Healthy Child Care Helpline, which provides support to child care programs seeking health and safety guidance as they work to operate safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More

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Supporting Children in Uncertain Times: Taking care of ourselves and our children

As caregivers and educators, taking care of ourselves is critically important. In this course, we will explore the impact stress has on us, and the skills to help manage it. We will also discuss how children - throughout childhood - respond to stress and what behaviors we can look out for and help address to best support children during this challenging time with age-appropriate resources and strategies. Register today at! For more information on resources available for caregivers and…

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Scholarship Outreach And Retention Roundtable (SOARR)

The goal of this group will be to give a voice to a diverse and inclusive cohort of First Things First College Scholars from around the state to provide feedback in the scholarship process. FTF scholars are invited to: Increase professional engagement in the early childhood field by Inspiring scholars to engage in opportunities and Motivate others while making connections throughout the state. Join us for an information session! Day and time to be determined. To learn more use this link:

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Changes for Arizona’s Center-Based and Family Childcare Providers

Starting August 25, 2020, childcare providers across Arizona will need to meet an updated safety requirement regarding Background Checks and Fingerprint Clearance Cards. Last Spring, the Arizona State Legislature passed SB1504, which requires background checks from ALL child care employees, including fingerprint clearance cards, PRIOR to their start date and every five years thereafter. These same checks are also required for all home providers, including all household members over the age of 18, and any backup providers. Click on the button links below to quickly…

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New Grant Opportunity for Child Care Providers

The Arizona Child Care COVID-19 Grant Program Application deadline has been extended to August 28th. Please submit your application by 11:59 p.m. on August 28th.The Arizona Department of Economic Security, Child Care Administration is offering grants to child care providers to help with operational costs to safely remain open or reopen to provide child care to Arizona’s families.   Apply Now Who is eligible to apply? Eligible providers include: DHS Licensed Centers, DHS Group Homes, DES Family Child Care Providers, Tribal Child Care…

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AzAEYC Scholarship Fund

AzAEYC has announced that applications are now open for the 2020 Rhian Evans Allvin & Joshua J. Allen Early Childhood Scholarship! This $1,000 award was created to acknowledge the outstanding service of early childhood professionals and recognize their leadership strengths and commitment to quality early education. The scholarship is awarded to one AzAEYC member who lives in Arizona and attends an accredited college or university, majoring in Early Childhood Education (or a closely related field). AzAEYC understands that these are challenging times. The purpose…

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CDA Renewal Amnesty Program Extended

The CDA Renewal Amnesty Program has been extended until December 31, 2020. Anyone with a CDA® credential expiration date going back as far as January 1, 2010, can still renew. For information regarding the CDA Renewal Amnesty Program, go to To apply or renew a CDA credential, go to and create an account.

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The average wait time for processing your college transcripts is 30 Days. For questions regarding your Registry account, please contact