You understand how important the early years are – now, learn how to spread the word about it. This workshop teaches you simple ways to share your support of early childhood and First Things First. You will learn why your voice matters; then learn and practice key messages used by early childhood supporters across Arizona. Finally, we’ll share the tools and resources available to help you in your efforts.
- Log into the Arizona Early Childhood Registry at
- Click on Find Training Event.

3. Select “Course Title” from the dropdown search category. Type “Early Childhood Every Day” in the search box and select “Web Based Only” from the Include: drop down box. Click Search.

4. Click in the Radio Button of the event. Click View Event.

5. Review all information on the Course Details Window, and click on Enroll Now.
6. Update any user information, and then click on Confirm and Continue Registration.
7. Check the Checkbox stating you agree with the terms and click Confirm and Finalize.
8. If you have any special needs, type them in the Special Accommodations Request text box. If you do not have any special requests, please leave this text box blank.

9. Click on the Submit Enrollment button.
10. You may now see a pop-up window asking you to confirm your enrollment.

11. Once you click on OK, you will be presented with a confirmation screen. Click the YouTube link on the confirmation screen to access the training.

12. After watching the training, return to your Registry account and click to expand My Tools & Settings and click My Enrollments.

13. Locate the Early Childhood Every Day training. Click Anytime.

14. In the Event Notes, click on the link to access the survey. You will not receive credit for the training until you complete the survey.
15. Your status will change from enrolled to attended within 30 days after you view the training and complete the survey.
*** For CTE Instructors/Teachers: Every participant (student) must register for this training. If you are showing this training in a group setting, please have all participants create their Registry account and register for this training