Why Your Preschoolers Should Play With Blocks
What are the benefits of block play?
What are the benefits of block play?
Math for infants is all about the basics. Early math concepts, such as counting, shapes, measurement, patterns, etc., are everywhere around us.
One of the biggest barriers to outdoor play is that our American society has become litigious over the years, and it is starting to take a toll on child development.
Play helps children develop and improve countless important skills including concentration, gross and fine motor skills, and coordination.
One of the best ways to promote a love for reading with young children is to make reading fun!
When a very young child takes a puzzle and dumps all the pieces out, chances are he or she will have a little trouble figuring out where to put the pieces back.
What causes it? What can we do about it?
Did you know that more than 37 million people in the United States speak Spanish? In fact, Spanish is currently the fastest growing non-English language in the United States.
Supporting Deeper Engagement and Learning in the Block Area
Experts tell us that arriving at school with solid foundational skills like these is key to becoming an active, competent learner.
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