Date: February 11, 2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Early Childhood Literacy:  ITDG Language Development and Communication Domain Module
Virtual Training
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Cost: FREE
Daily exposure to verbal and written language provides infants and toddlers with the opportunities to begin acquiring a basic understanding of the concepts of oral language and communication. Through play, children learn to create meaning from language and communicate with others using verbal and non-verbal language, pictures, symbols, and emergent literacy skills. In this four-hour session, participants will actively explore the Language Development and Communication Domain from the Infant and Toddler Developmental Guidelines (ITDG). 
Questions? Contact:
Wendy Logue
Early Childhood Literacy Specialist
Phone: 602-364-2051
Wendy Flynn
Early Childhood Program Specialist
Phone: 520-638-4719