Goals for Preschool: Awareness and Exploration

Children go through phases of reading development from preschool through third grade — from exploration of books to independent reading. In preschool, children explore their environment and build the foundations for learning to read and write. Find out what parents and teachers can do to support preschool literacy skills.Read more: Reading Rockets

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Planning for Positive Guidance: Powerful Interactions Make a Difference

Guiding children’s behavior is something done throughout the day, not just when a child acts in a way that is unsafe or unacceptable. You guide behavior by establishing predictable routines, setting clear rules with children, and modeling kindness and respect. You are also attentive and aware of what is going on. Together, these actions help children feel noticed, confident, and secure. Children experience your attention and guidance as a caring embrace holding everything together. They know you’re on their team.Read more: NAEYC 

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An Environment that Positively Impacts Young Children

Jessica, age four, enters her new preschool classroom for the very first time. She looks around and tries to determine what happens in this space? Does she belong here? Will it be an interesting place to spend her days? Will she be supported as she grows and develops?Jessica will discover the answers through her interactions with the physical environment of her classroom. If she spends her day in an effectively designed environment, Jessica will be physically, emotionally, aesthetically, and intellectually…

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6 Easy Ways to Assess Pre-Reading Skills in the Early Childhood Classroom

One of the best parts of teaching pre-K is that we’re not always bound by the rigid assessment requirements that teachers in the older grades must adhere to. We’re free to assess our kids when and how we like. Still, when kids are this young and have such tiny attention spans, getting a good read on what they know can be tough. Here are six easy ways to assess pre-reading skills in an early childhood classroom. Read more: We Are…

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Diversity in Early Childhood Programs

Early childhood providers are called upon to do many difficult tasks. One of the most difficult of these is providing our children with diverse, multicultural experiences. Since the beginning of time, young children have been raised by their families, extended families, clans, and communities. Even today, most family child care homes and many early childhood programs tend to be fairly homogeneous and quite similar to the child’s home background. High on the list of criteria parents use to choose child…

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Five Questions Asked at Every Teaching Interview

Much like the activities in an early childhood classroom, what happens during a job interview can be hard to predict. The types of questions asked and the way the administrator shapes the interview varies based on the position you are interviewing for and the school district. As a young teacher, I spent last summer researching interview questions and rehearsing responses in front of the mirror. I reorganized my portfolio at least a dozen times! So many questions raced through my…

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How to Incorporate Early Math and Science Concepts in the Classroom

It’s never too early to introduce early math and science skills to your children! In fact, you may already be teaching your students these concepts by encouraging them to explore and observe their surroundings and ask questions. Here are four things you can do to introduce more math and science concepts to your preschool class:  1. Point Out How Playground Equipment Works Preschoolers love playing on the playground and this experience can offer more than just a fun time! Activities…

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Celebrating World Storytelling Day With Your Preschool Class

Sharing stories with preschoolers can help stimulate their imagination and make them think more creatively about the world around them. Through storytelling, young children can develop language skills by listening and expand their vocabularies as they hear new words. In honor of World Storytelling Day, here are three tips for good storytelling you can bring to your preschool classroom: 1. Engage Your Class By Asking QuestionsStorytelling doesn’t have to end when you get to the last page! Ask your students questions…

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