104 Family & Community Partnerships 4. Encouraging Families to be Advocates for Their Children (continued) 3. Consent to Share Information Level 1 Recognize the importance and purpose of obtaining family consent before sharing information with other agencies/organizations. FCP 4.3.1 Level 2 Communicate with families the need for obtaining family consent before sharing information with other agencies or organizations. Refer questions to appropriate staff members. FCP 4.3.2 Level 3 Follow guidelines for obtaining family consent before sharing information with other agencies/organizations. FCP 4.3.3 Level 4 Develop, plan and implement policies and procedures for obtaining family consent before sharing information with other agencies or organizations. FCP 4.3.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply best practices regarding partnerships between families, programs, agencies and community resources to address the privacy rights of families. FCP 4.3.5