70 Effective Interactions (Adult-Child, Child-Adult, Child-Child) 5. Guidance (continued) 6. Strategies to Promote Prosocial Behavior Level 1 Recognize the importance of consistency, continuity, and responsiveness in supporting children’s development of prosocial behaviors. EI 5.6.1 Level 2 Understand the importance of establishing realistic expectations for behavior and responding to child behaviors in a consistent and predictable manner. Ensure sufficient quantities of materials and equipment are available for the number of the children. Actively monitor children’s behaviors and use strategies to respond to children’s needs while supporting positive behavior (e.g., reinforce positive behavior, engage in specific redirection or provision of directions, and conflict resolution etc.). EI 5.6.2 Level 3 Develop, plan, and implement a daily schedule that reflects the importance of consistency, continuity, and responsiveness in supporting children’s development of prosocial behaviors. Facilitate children’s involvement in developing rules and behavioral expectations, limits, and routines. Ensure that rules, routines, and activities are developmentally appropriate and designed to encourage prosocial behavior. Anticipate problems and intervene when potential disruptors occur. EI 5.6.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate and modify rules, routines, and activities based on children’s functioning within the room. Coordinate schedules and routines throughout the program to support the need for both flexibility and consistency of routine for individual children and larger groups. Work jointly with staff to support children and families during major transitions. Provide professional development opportunities to teachers, caregivers, and staff and resources for families that focus on strategies to facilitate the development of prosocial behavior in children. EI 5.6.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and promote evidence-based best practices to facilitate the development of prosocial behaviors in children. EI 5.6.5