63 Effective Interactions (Adult-Child, Child-Adult, Child-Child) 4. Communication 1. Establishing a Calm, Unhurried Atmosphere Level 1 Recognize the impact of a calm, positive, and emotionally supportive environment. Contribute to the maintenance of a calm, positive, and emotionally supportive environment. EI 4.1.1 Level 2 Engage in relaxed, non-threatening behaviors and interactions that encourage teacher-child interactions and conversations. Provide supportive feedback to questions and concerns posed by children. Provide comfort, assistance, reassurance, and acceptance of student’s ideas and emotions. EI 4.1.2 Level 3 Develop, plan, and implement a calm, positive, and emotionally supportive learning environment. Ensure daily schedule is calm and unhurried by allotting time for transitions and allowing for flexibility as needed by the group. EI 4.1.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate and modify schedule and environment to ensure a calm, positive, and emotionally supportive learning environment. Provide professional development opportunities to teachers, caregivers, and staff and resources for families to promote a program-wide sense of calm, positive, and emotionally supportive learning environment. EI 4.1.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply evidence-based best practice regarding the creation and provision of calm, positive, and emotionally supportive environments that support the learning and development of young children. EI 4.1.5 2. Engaging in Various Forms of Communication Level 1 Recognize the importance of engaging frequently with children through both verbal and non-verbal communication. EI 4.2.1 Level 2 Understand that communication occurs in both verbal and nonverbal manners (e.g., speaking, signing, listening, reading, writing, and body language, etc.). Engage in frequent, intentional, and supportive exchanges with children using multiple methods (e.g., eye contact, words, and touch, etc.). Engage with children using a variety of forms of communication. EI 4.2.2 Level 3 Develop, plan and implement many opportunities throughout the day to build communication skills, facilitate dialogue, teach turn-taking, negotiating, and problem-solving. Adapt interactions with children by respecting children’s interaction styles (which are influenced by individual temperament, culture, linguistic diversity, and unique abilities). EI 4.2.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate and modify communication throughout the day. Demonstrate effective interaction skills that extend and enhance communication throughout the day using greetings, acknowledgements, questions, comments, and directions. EI 4.2.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply evidence-based best practice regarding effective communication strategies. EI 4.2.5