69 Effective Interactions (Adult-Child, Child-Adult, Child-Child) 5. Guidance (continued) 5. Managing Change Level 1 Recognize the impact of unexpected changes on a child. EI 5.5.1 Level 2 Understand the need to plan for and schedule anticipated changes with attention to minimizing anxiety and disruption to the daily schedule. Manage unanticipated change calmly while helping children understand the reasons for the change. Understand and support children at times of change, transitions, or separation. EI 5.5.2 Level 3 Develop, plan, and implement transition methods for alerting children to changes in activities or routines. The transition methods should include: o Assisting children in understanding unexpected events o Maintaining established routines as consistently as possible to support children’s need for predictability o Developing and employing plans to assist children in coping with major transitions (e.g., moving to a new environment, classroom or school, changes in staff, etc.) EI 5.5.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate and modify transition methods used with children. Develop policies and procedures to minimize the number of separations or transitions that children experience and the stress that those changes may cause. Provide professional development opportunities to teachers, caregivers, and staff and resources for families that focus on assisting children during change, transitions, or separations. Facilitate collaboration among schools/programs, educators and families to provide support for children transitioning to a new environment, classroom or school. EI 5.5.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and promote current theory and evidence-based best practices to facilitate transitions within and between home and programs, classrooms, and schools. Advocate for collaborative systems to address issues related to transitions and changes within and between home and programs, classrooms, and schools (e.g., preschool to kindergarten). EI 5.5.5