109 Professionalism 2. Professional Development (continued) 4. Professional Attitude Level 1 Recognize the importance of a positive, responsible, sensitive, and respectful attitude in working with each child and family. P 2.4.1 Level 2 Identify and utilize skills and attitudes that reflect positive, responsible, sensitive, and respectful attitudes in working with each child and family. P 2.4.2 Level 3 Model and encourage others to demonstrate positive, responsible, sensitive, and respectful attitudes in working with each child and family. P 2.4.3 Level 4 Demonstrate leadership in the development and maintenance of positive, responsible, sensitive, and respectful attitudes in working with each child and family. P 2.4.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply evidence-based best practices to promote professionalism in the field of early childhood care and education. P 2.4.5 5. Positive Relationships with Colleagues Level 1 Recognize the importance of accepting, supporting, and caring for others working in the early childhood program. P 2.5.1 Level 2 Display appropriate care and acceptance of colleagues working in the early childhood program. P 2.5.2 Level 3 Model and encourage positive relationships between colleagues working in the early childhood program. Value multiple perspectives and participate in open, collaborative discussions to generate ideas and solve problems. P 2.5.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate, and modify practices to encourage positive and supportive collegial relationships among and between co-workers. Provide mentor relationships to less experienced colleagues. P 2.5.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply evidence-based best practices to facilitate the development of programs and initiatives that encourage positive and supportive collegial relationships. P 2.5.5