140 Integrated Early Childhood Professional Development System - Helps develop and retain a competent and stable early childhood workforce— a skilled cadre of effective, diverse, and adequately compensated professionals and crosses sectors serving early education professionals working in direct and non-direct service roles. Such roles may be in Head Start; for-profit and not-for-profit child care programs in centers and homes; state prekindergarten programs in community-based and school-settings; public school programs; early intervention and special education services; resource and referral agencies; higher education institutions; state departments of education, licensing, health, and other early childhood education related departments.16 Modification – A change generally connected to instruction and assessment, things that can be tangibly changed or modified. Modifications change what is being taught to or expected from the child. (National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities) People First Language – People first language is used to speak appropriately and respectfully about an individual with a disability. People first language emphasizes the person first not the disability. For example, when referring to a person with a disability, refer to the person first by using phrases such as: “a person who …”, “a person with …” or, “person who has…” (National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Department of Health and Human Services, USA17 Play – An activity which is easy to identify but difficult to define, play is both simple and complex. Play exists in many types: symbolic, socio- dramatic, functional, andgameswithrules18 .Garveydescribes play as an activity which is: 1) positively valued by the player; 2) self-motivated; 3) freely chosen; 4) engaging; and 5) which "has certain systematic 16 http://www.naeyc.org/policy/ecwsi 17 http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/pdf/DisabilityPoster_Photos.pdf 18 http://families.naeyc.org/learning-and-development/child-development/10-things-every-parent- should-know-about-play relations to what is not play" (1977, Play. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press). Professional – One who works with and supports children and their families. All professionals have a base of knowledge, defined standards of practice, ability to adapt as standards and knowledge change, and connection with a community of colleagues. Program Evaluation – A systematic method of describing the methods and outcomes of an early childhood intervention or service. Program evaluations routinely address variables, such as the quality of personnel and the physical environment, effectiveness of parent involvement, and community collaboration activities. It is often required by external agencies and used by policy makers to make decisions about funding, needed program supports, and program requirements. Prosocial – Prosocial behaviors and skills are voluntary actions and abilities intended to benefit others. Terms to describe prosocial behaviors and skills include empathy, compassion, compromise, respect, sharing, helping, cooperating, and complimenting. The term “voluntary” is important; behaviors and skills that are forced cannot be considered prosocial. Special needs – For the purpose of this document, child/children with special needs refers to those with identified disabilities. Children with identified disabilities may include those who are being served through an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), or have a medically diagnosed health condition for which the child would benefit from the development of an Individual Health Plan (IHP). Work Sampling – A method for monitoring children’s knowledge, skills, and personality through observation and the collection of representations and examples of children’s work. Work samples can include examples of both two- and three-dimensional work, e.g., samples of art projects, drawing, cutting, and/or pasting, emergent writing samples, as well as photographs and audio and video recordings.