72 Effective Interactions (Adult-Child, Child-Adult, Child-Child) 6. Interactions with Families 1. Positive Family Communication Level 1 Recognize the importance of positive and respectful interactions with family members. Demonstrate respect for the values, ideas, and expectations of families. EI 6.1.1 Level 2 Engage in positive and respectful interactions with family members. Communicate respect for the interaction styles and guidance practices used in the home. EI 6.1.2 Level 3 Develop, plan, and implement strategic on-going communication methods with families. Communicate important information with families in multiple manners including: o E-mail o Home visits o Face-to-face o Phone calls o Written messages (e.g., letters, email, newsletters) Create a climate that encourages open and honest communication with respect for diversity in values, ideas, and expectations. Understand the impact of non-verbal messages (e.g., body language, tone of voice, gestures and facial expressions) and how they can undermine interactions with families. Assist staff in identifying and expressing their feelings in a respectful manner with families. EI 6.1.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate, and modify the schedule to ensure teachers and staff have opportunities to engage in respectful interactions with family members. Develop policies and procedures that encourage respect and promote positive interactions with families. EI 6.1.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and promote current theory and evidence-based research and best practices on respectful interactions to provide guidance for early childhood practitioners. EI 6.1.5