9 Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Knowledge & Competencies Child Growth and Development Rationale Core Knowledge Components Core Knowledge Competencies 1. Basic Child Development 1.1 Developmental Patterns & Principles 1.2 Adaptation of Practices as Development Proceeds 1.3 Developmental Domains 1.4 Interconnectedness of Domains 1.5 Stages Versus Continuous Development 2. Typical & Atypical Behavior 2.1 Recognizing Variation as Typical 2.2 Recognizing Atypical Development 2.3 Adapting the Learning Environment 2.4 Indicators of Risk 2.5 Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs), Individualized Education plans (IEPs), Individualized Health Care Plans (IHPs), and 504s 2.6 Recognizing & Respecting Developmental Challenges 3. Individual Differences 3.1 Respecting Personality Differences 4. Influences on Development 4.1 Influences on Development 4.2 Family as the Primary Environmental Influence on Children’s Development 4.3 Stress as an Environmental Factor 4.4 Variation in Cultural Practices 5. Facilitation of Development 5.1 Role of Relationships 5.2 Role of Experience 5.3 Role of Play 5.4 Principles of Play 6. Collaboration 6.1 Collaboration on Behalf of Children 6.2 Collaboration with Adults