27 Curriculum & Learning Environment 2. Learning Strategies (continued) 3. Facilitating Curiosity, Exploration, & Play Level 1 Recognize that curiosity, exploration, and play are the primary learning strategies of young children. CLE 2.3.1 Level 2 Understand the importance of providing developmentally appropriate experiences that stimulate curiosity, exploration, and play. CLE 2.3.2 Level 3 Model and nurture others' skills in creating developmentally appropriate experiences that stimulate curiosity, exploration, and play. CLE 2.3.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate and apply current knowledge and best practices and inform teachers, staff, and families of the latest research and theory regarding strategic facilitation of curiosity, exploration, play, and creative expression. CLE 2.3.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply current theory and evidence-based research regarding strategic facilitation of curiosity, exploration, play, and creative expression. Promote evidence-based practices that facilitate curiosity, exploration and play. CLE 2.3.5 4. Articulating the Rationale for Play-Based Learning Strategies Level 1 Recognize the importance of curiosity, exploration, and play and the contribution they make to learning and development. CLE 2.4.1 Level 2 Understand how curiosity, exploration, and play contribute to all domains of development. CLE 2.4.2 Level 3 Articulate to families and others how curiosity, exploration, and play facilitate learning and development. CLE 2.4.3 Level 4 Provide professional development opportunities to teachers, caregivers, and staff and resources for families that demonstrate the relationship between curiosity, exploration, play, and learning and development. CLE 2.4.4 Level 5 Engage community members and organizations to enhance understanding of the important role of curiosity, exploration, and play in children’s development. Advocate for the support of play environments, e.g., playgrounds, museums, etc. CLE 2.4.5