83 Health, Safety, & Nutrition 3. Nutrition & Dietary Practices 1. Nutrition Level 1 Recognize dietary needs associated with age-related development and appropriate foods for special needs of children. If food is served, follow menus provided by a professional who understands the dietary needs of young children. HSN 3.1.1 Level 2 Understand the importance of nutritious snacks and/or meals (if food is served) that meet the guidelines from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) and Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). HSN 3.1.2 Level 3 If food is served, plan and assess menus or provide input to ensure that they meet guidelines for sound nutrition, including special dietary concerns. HSN 3.1.3 Level 4 If food is served, ensure that foods are planned, evaluated, and modified on an ongoing basis. HSN 3.1.4 Level 5 Collaborate with public service officials, early childhood professionals, families, and the community in advocating for healthy, nutritious meals for all. HSN 3.1.5 2. Food Selection & Preparation Level 1 Follow regulations set by the Arizona Department of Health Services, Office of Child Care Licensure, and appropriate county health codes when handling food (snacks, sack lunches, special diets, food from home to group, etc.). Follow CACFP guidelines for meals and/or snacks to meet each child’s nutritional requirements. Provide clean, safe drinking water, and, if food is served: o Offer a variety of nutritious foods o Exercise strict attention to the safety of all children with food allergies o Serve only foods that reduce the hazard of choking and other health risks o Follow regulations regarding any food brought from home o Provide age-appropriate opportunities for children to participate in preparation or serving HSN 3.2.1 Level 2 Post menus in the entrance area, and keep on file when complete. Implement menus and individual diets. HSN 3.2.2 Level 3 Plan menus at least once a week, considering cultural and religious food preferences. Provide families with regular (quarterly at a minimum) opportunities to provide input on program menu planning. Model and help others acquire skills needed for meeting CACFP guidelines. Create individual diets in collaboration with parents, a trained health care provider, and early childhood professionals. HSN 3.2.3 Level 4 Assess programs to ensure that, if food is served, it is safe and nutritious and that all applicable guidelines are followed. Analyze, evaluate, and modify food selection and preparation to ensure continual improvement. HSN 3.2.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply evidence-based best practices for recommend food selection and food safety policies for early childhood care and education settings based on current regulations and literature, such as national food standards. Engage families, early childhood professionals, and the community to identify sources of fresh foods and how to access those sources. Address barriers to healthful food choices. HSN 3.2.5