20 Child Growth & Development 5. Facilitation of Development (continued) 3. Role of Play Level 1 Recognize that play provides the optimal mode for facilitating physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development by actively engaging the whole child. CGD 5.3.1 Level 2 Understand the need for playful activity versus adult-directed and controlled activity. CGD 5.3.2 Level 3 Design educational environments and experiences that allow children to have ample time to engage in play. Provide information to families and others regarding the importance of play in the development of young children. CGD 5.3.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate and modify the learning environment to facilitate development through a balance of child-centered play and adult-guided activities. CGD 5.3.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate articulate, and apply current knowledge, theories, research, and best practices to support each child’s development through age- appropriate play. CGD 5.3.5 4. Principles of Play Level 1 Recognize the necessity of providing every child with the time and materials to engage in playful activities. CGD 5.4.1 Level 2 Understand importance of arranging the physical (e.g., materials, time, and space) and psychological environment to promote play to facilitate and enhance development. Encourage play by following the lead of the child when appropriate and supporting a playful attitude, e.g., flexible rules, choice, make- believe, etc. CGD 5.4.2 Level 3 Plan and implement a variety of activities that utilize the principles of play in promoting development. CGD 5.4.3 Level 4 Communicate with teachers, caregivers, staff, and families, best practices for the use of play in promoting development. CGD 5.4.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate articulate, and apply current knowledge, theories, research, and best practices to support each child’s development through age- appropriate play. Advocate for excellence in programs serving young children from birth through age 8. CGD 5.4.5