64 Effective Interactions (Adult-Child, Child-Adult, Child-Child) 4. Communication (continued) 3. Basic Listening Level 1 Recognize the importance of listening attentively for understanding with all children. EI 4.3.1 Level 2 Understand the importance of responding sensitively to differences in individual children’s communication styles. Engage in interactions with children that demonstrate both active and passive listening to enhance understanding. EI 4.3.2 Level 3 Engage in responsive listening techniques with all children, focusing carefully on children who have communication challenges (hearing, linguistic, receptive, and/or expressive). EI 4.3.3 Level 4 Demonstrate responsive listening skills with staff and families. Identify resources to assist staff in eliminating barriers to communication including active listening. EI 4.3.4 Level 5 Promote effective listening strategies based on best practices and current research through professional development for teachers and learning opportunities for families. EI 4.3.5 4. Verbal & Non-Verbal Expression Level 1 Recognize the impact of using positive verbal and non-verbal skills in response to children’s expressions. EI 4.4.1 Level 2 Understand the importance of understanding and respecting children’s expressions. Interact with children using appropriate verbal and non-verbal responses. EI 4.4.2 Level 3 Develop and plan activities that provide opportunities to nurture children’s growing abilities to express thoughts and feelings in constructive ways through the use of positive verbal and non-verbal language. Encourage physical proximity, matched positive affect, reciprocal interactions, and peer connections. Encourage smiling, laughter, enthusiasm, and affection. EI 4.4.3 Level 4 Demonstrate and encourage others to develop proficiency in using positive and appropriate expression EI 4.4.4 Level 5 Promote effective listening strategies based on best practices and current research through professional development for teachers and learning opportunities for families. EI 4.4.5