68 Effective Interactions (Adult-Child, Child-Adult, Child-Child) 5. Guidance (continued) 4. Prosocial Skills Level 1 Recognize that children need prosocial skills in order to form healthy friendships and relationships. EI 5.4.1 Level 2 Understand the importance of helping children develop social skills. Engage in interactions with children and adults that demonstrate perspective taking, empathy, self-calming skills, and other prosocial skills and behaviors. EI 5.4.2 Level 3 Develop, plan, and create an environment where prosocial skills are nurtured, modeled, and encouraged. Encouraged skills should include: o Self-calming skills o Being aware of one’s own emotions o Recognizing the feelings of others o Impulse control o Ability to make eye contact o Sharing o Turn taking o Conflict resolution EI 5.4.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate, and modify the environment to provide adult to child, child to adult, and child to child experiences that enable children to practice and develop prosocial skills. Provide professional development opportunities to teachers, caregivers, and staff and resources for families that focus on strategies for developing prosocial skills in children. EI 5.4.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and promote current theory and evidence-based research on best practices to promote understanding of child development and the importance of prosocial skills. EI 5.4.5