135 Program Management 6. Human Resource Management (continued) 10. Performance Evaluation Level 1 Engage in performance evaluations for self and supervisors. PM 6.10.1 Level 2 Improve job performance based on feedback provided during evaluation to strengthen skills and improve understanding and performance. PM 6.10.2 Level 3 Implement or participate in formal performance reviews, including review of supervisor performance, at least annually and in compliance with personnel policies. Demonstrate confidentiality and privacy in the supervision and evaluation of staff and colleagues. PM 6.10.3 Level 4 Develop, plan, select or create a developmentally appropriate and evidence-based best practice method for staff performance evaluation. Communicate with stakeholders (i.e., board member, owners, etc.) in the development, planning, selection or creation and use of the director’s assessment. Ensure that evaluation tool assesses and documents performance based on clearly defined job descriptions, expectations, and direct observation, incorporating input from families or other staff as appropriate. Ensure that evaluation tool /plan includes self-assessment and reflection as part of the overall performance evaluation. Conduct private, formal performance reviews at least annually. Ensure all employees understand the role of performance evaluations in continuous improvement. Maintain confidentiality in personnel files. PM 6.10.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply evidence-based best practice regarding performance evaluation in order to provide guidance for decisions and actions of early childhood professionals. PM 6.10.5