113 Professionalism 2. Professional Development (continued) 12. Continual Professional Development Level 1 Recognize the importance of continual, collaborative learning to inform practice. P 2.12.1 Level 2 View graduation or licensure not as the final demonstration of competence but as one milestone among many, including professional development experiences before and beyond successful degree completion. P 2.12.2 Level 3 Promote approved professional development and continued professional growth through: o Staff development workshops o Seeking and using feedback from others o Journaling and reflection o Reading professional publications o Professional organizations o Formal course work P 2.12.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate, and modify models of professional development. Support the professional growth of colleagues through modeling, mentoring, and consulting. P 2.12.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply evidence-based best practices and research that reflect an understanding of adult learning theory, personal and organizational change theory, and current research in early childhood education. Expand approved professional development for self and others through use of traditional and electronic delivery systems. P 2.12.5