94 Family & Community Partnerships 2. Communication 1. Listening to Families Level 1 Recognize the importance of active listening and work to develop this skill. FCP 2.1.1 Level 2 Acknowledge family members’ questions, expressions of values, goals, interests, suggestions, and concerns. Use an interpreter when necessary to ensure clear communication. FCP 2.1.2 Level 3 Learn about family composition, values, and traditions, hopes, and dreams for their child through direct and effective communication. Demonstrate effective use of active listening. FCP 2.1.3 Level 4 Develop, plan, select and/or adapt program policies to support both formal and informal family input and feedback. Use a variety of strategies to ensure every family’s values, goals, interests, suggestions and concerns are both heard and responded to. Listen and respond to families input and feedback in an honest and straightforward manner. Model active listening with staff and families. FCP2.1.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply evidence-based best practices regarding the design and development of programs and systems that support program responsiveness to families. FCP 2.1.5 2. Involving Families Level 1 Recognize the value of family involvement in the early education setting to promote children’s development. FCP 2.2.1 Level 2 Engage with children and family members in a manner that encourages them to participate in the program. Design the learning environment and create activities to reflect the cultural diversity and interests of children and families. Invite family members to visit, volunteer, and attend field trips, and excursions into the community. FCP 2.2.2 Level 3 Provide opportunities for family engagement, both in the program and at home, that support learning. Create and enforce open-door policies that encourage parental participation at any and all times during the program day. Plan conferences, events, and activities based on family interests and scheduled at times to accommodate families. Plan opportunities to help families develop informal supports like shared babysitting, play groups, phone trees, etc. Invite families to share special interests or talents with their child’s group or the program at large. FCP 2.2.3 Level 4 Examine and improve family involvement opportunities on a regular basis to meet needs of current families. Design and implement strategies to overcome barriers to family engagement due to cultural or linguistic differences. FCP 2.2.4 Level 5 Advocate for and encourage policymakers and regulatory agencies to include family representatives in decision-making processes, as appropriate. FCP 2.2.5