93 Family & Community Partnerships 1. Knowing & Respecting Families (continued) 3. Welcoming Environment Level 1 Recognize the importance of a welcoming environment and contribute to its development. FCP 1.3.1 Level 2 Engage in interactions that create a warm and friendly environment through words and actions so that families feel welcome and at ease at all times. FCP 1.3.2 Level 3 Develop, plan, select and/or create multiple strategies to ensure families feel welcome and connected to the staff and other parents. Examples include: o Family gathering area o Information board with photos of staff and families o A quiet space for families to nurse, soothe or comfort a child o Open houses o Informational meetings o Special events FCP 1.3.3 Level 4 Develop opportunities for families to participate in the program and engage with one another, staff members, and when possible with community leaders. Lead outreach to prospective families, current families, and alumni families. Create bonds between and among all family members. FCP 1.3.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply evidence-based best practices regarding the value of family engagement. FCP 1.3.5 4. Positive Relationships Level 1 Recognize the importance of attentively greeting family members when they arrive and depart. FCP 1.4.1 Level 2 Engage in positive interactions with families and respond to questions or concerns. Offer opportunities and encouragement for families to observe their children and participate in the program. FCP 1.4.2 Level 3 Create relationships with families to ensure meaningful two-way collaboration and communication. Share observations and describe children’s accomplishments with families. Address concerns and support families as children’s primary caregivers. FCP 1.4.3 Level 4 Invite families to participate both formally and informally in the development, governance, and evaluation of program services and policies as appropriate. Lead networking activities for families that encourages communication and support for all families. FCP 1.4.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and apply evidence-based best practices that support the primary role of families in children’s education and care. Engage early childhood educators, families, and community leaders to support early education programs that promote the primary role of families in children’s education and care. FCP 1.4.5