67 Effective Interactions (Adult-Child, Child-Adult, Child-Child) 5. Guidance (continued) 3. Nurturing Autonomy & Self-Regulation Level 1 Recognize that children develop independence and a positive sense of self through simple accomplishments and responsibilities. EI 5.3.1 Level 2 Understand the importance of providing opportunities for children to be as independent as possible. Engage in planned opportunities that nurture autonomy and self-regulation in children. EI 5.3.2 Level 3 Develop, plan and create a classroom environment that provides developmentally appropriate opportunities to increase in autonomy and self- regulation appropriate to children’s level of development. The classroom should: o Allow children opportunities to make choices (e.g., choose between acceptable options for food, clothing, or play activities) o Encourage children to practice simple tasks in increasing responsibility appropriate to their level of development o Support children’s developing capacity to engage in self-care o Assist children in perspective taking and resolving conflicts with peers o Respect children’s choices, ideas, and suggestions EI 5.3.3 Level 4 Analyze, evaluate, and modify the environment to ensure children experience opportunities to develop autonomy and self-regulation. Provide professional development opportunities to teachers, caregivers, and staff and resources for families that focus on developmentally appropriate methods of fostering autonomy and self-regulation. EI 5.3.4 Level 5 Analyze, evaluate, articulate, and promote current theory and evidence-based research using best practices to promote and nurture a child’s development of autonomy and self-regulation. EI 5.3.5